In Motion: Joe Hamilton

This series showcases those who have expanded their artistic palate, moving from still to motion, or motion to still.

Manipulating space and time, Joe Hamilton’s video “Regular Division” finds serenity in disorder by layering natural, fragmented imagery accompanied by a calming soundtrack. Paintbrush strokes interrupt footage from Europe and Asia’s indoor gardens. These marks are pulled from classic landscape paintings that, for Hamilton, “bridge a connection to the traditional medium that played such an important role in the representation of landscape in the past.” Combined with the paint marks, the windowpanes of the various greenhouses cause the viewer to question whether they are outside looking in, or the other way around. With smooth transitions and expertly edited frames, Hamilton takes what could easily have been an aggressive, disorienting video, and instead takes the viewer on a surreal yet placid tour of the gardens.

View more of Hamilton’s work on his website.

Do you make moving images or know of someone who does? Let us know at