Promotional materials are essential for photographers of all disciplines. Each week we feature an outstanding promo based on its design, cleverness, and ability to accurately reflect the photographer’s aesthetic.
Photographer: Natalie Obermaier
Designer: Natalie
One of the best ways to promote a body of work is to design a promo for the series as whole, rather than just highlighting one or two images. Natalie Obermaier’s accordion book is an excellent presentation choice for her photographs of children. The images have a narrative quality, which is accentuated nicely by the linear layout of the book. Both sides of the piece contain prints, allowing the viewer to create their own sequences. While the construction of the booklet would benefit from proper scoring, the black and white prints are well made. By pasting them into the booklet, Obermaier creates the feel of a family album. Her contact information is easily found on the book’s cover photograph without distracting from the image.
Want to have your promo featured? Mail your promotional materials along with your name and the name of the designer (if applicable) to:
Don’t Take Pictures, 49 Wyckoff Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11237