Don’t Take Pictures is pleased to announce the results of our online exhibition, Farm to Plate. 47 photographs by photographers exploring food production were selected and will be on view through November 23. Visit the gallery to view the entire exhibition.
Brussels Sprout Hill, James Cooper
The farm-to-plate movement has become increasingly popular in recent years. Consumers want to know where their food originated and how it was treated before arriving in on their table. As inherently curious people, photographers too wish to know more about their food production—and they bring their cameras along.
Preparatin of the Meat for the Holy Spirit Soup, Island of Corvo, Azores, 2005, Paulo Monteiro
Don’t Take Pictures strives to present photographers who are actively involved in the creative process of making photographs. The photographers in this exhibition have constructed still lifes, documented production, and dirtied their hands alongside their subjects to show the various stages in which our food exists before it is restaurant-ready. Photographers from around the globe submitted work for this exhibition, and we are pleased to feature this collection of images that is as “free-range” as the edibles it presents.
Red Beets, Lindsay Lochman & Barbara Ciurej
Don’t Take Pictures holds free, quarterly calls for work for online exhibitions.