Don't Take Pictures

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Apply Now: Don't Take Pictures Prize for Contemporary Photography!

Don’t Take Pictures was created in 2013 to connect the photography community of image makers, curators, collectors, and enthusiasts. We publish print issues each March and September in addition to regular online articles, exhibitions, and essays. 

To further our mission of providing opportunities for photographers, we are pleased to announce the Don’t Take Pictures Prize for Contemporary Photography! The winner will receive an unrestricted $2,000 cash prize and publication in the Fall 2020 print issue of Don’t Take Pictures.

When selecting the first prize winner and honorable mentions, Don’t Take Pictures’ editorial staff looks for creative, cohesive bodies of work created in the last ten years.

The Don’t Take Pictures Prize for Contemporary Photography is open exclusively to Don’t Take Pictures magazine print subscribers with subscriptions current through Issue 14 (March 2020). Click here to subscribe.