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In Motion: Megan Shaughnessy

This series showcases those who have expanded their artistic palate, moving from still to motion, or motion to still.

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All Saints, Oxwick is a video-performance piece by Megan Shaughnessy. The black and white 16mm film, full of pops and scratches, harkens back to the silent film era. The lack of sound or accompanying score contributes to the eerie atmosphere of the quiet, decrepit ruins.

Throughout the film, Shaughnessy portrays a mysterious woman in black. She walks slowly in and amongst dilapidated stone structures and overgrown surrounding gardens, as if she’s moving between worlds. The pace of the film is slow and matches the cadence of her walk. Shaughnessy’s video work meshes with her still photography, her role alternating between subject and surveyor.

View more of Shaughnessy’s work on her website.

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